Glencoe Medieval Re-enactment Group - News

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ALHF Membership

Posted by Damia Bowen on Saturday, July 18, 2015,
An announcement for all you concerned citizens - Glencoe Medieval Re-Enactment Group is now a member of the Australasian Living History Federation, and come under their insurance which means we'll be able to do a lot more! This is great news for the club, and hopefully business will start picking up soon.

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Helidon Celtic Festival 2012

Posted by Damia Bowen on Monday, October 29, 2012,
On the 28th of October this year, we participated in the Helidon Celtic Festival again. There was an absolutely brilliant turnout for the fighter schools - we actually ran out of certificates for the kids! Everyone really enjoyed it, and the weather was cool, which helped the guys out in the fighter's eric stay cool in all their armour.

It was also great to catch up with the Celtic Clans again this year - if all goes well, we'll also be able to go down to the Australian Celtic Festival in Gle...
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Toowoomba Language and Cultural Festival

Posted by Damia Bowen on Monday, August 20, 2012,
Also, on the 12th of August this year, we were at the Toowoomba Language and Cultural Festival again. It was tons of fun and we put on a really good showing, with a lot of people showing interest in the group. Everyone seemed especially interested in Lord Will's Viking Knitting, which is brilliant.

The organisers were really pleased with us as well. So it was a fantastic day, and we enjoyed it. I hope everyone that was there enjoyed it too!

Our next event for the year is the Helidon Celt...
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Mid-Winter Feast

Posted by Damia Bowen on Monday, August 20, 2012,
On the 21st of July, we had our Mid-Winter Feast. We are pleased to announce that we now have an alliance with the Mercenaries of the Silver Crescent, which is a brilliant thing, and we look forward to working with them in the near future.

Also, two of our peasants went up to Freeman at this feast, in recognition of the time they have been with us.

Three cheers for Arnora and Edward!

Hip Hip, Huzzah!

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Toowoomba Royal Agricultural Show

Posted by Damia Bowen on Monday, April 2, 2012,
Last week we attended the Toowoomba Royal Agricultural Show, and had a great time over the three days. Everyone enjoyed themselves, and it was a successful event. We also got a great deal of interest from the general public, and got lovely praises from all those who stopped by.

Thank you all so much!

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Annual General Meeting

Posted by Damia Bowen on Saturday, February 18, 2012,
We held our Annual General Meeting today, and selected this year's President Secretary and Treasurer. Dan is once again President, having been reelected, I am the new Secretary, and Nathan is our Treasurer. Here's to a good year for us!

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Old but New!

Posted by Damia Bowen on Monday, February 13, 2012,
Here's something we did recently: Helidon Celtic Festival, 2011.

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New Year!

Posted by Damia Bowen on Monday, February 13, 2012,
Welcome to the New Year everybody!

First, a couple of things to kick everything off. Glencoe Medieval Re-Enactment Group is now proudly associated with the Combined Gaelic Clans of Australasia. This is big news because it gives us even more scope and opportunites for more up-and-coming events.

The New Year is looking to be better than the previous, and let's hope it continues. We have a busy first few months with the coming feast and the Toowoomba Royal Show, which brings good cheer all around...
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Loom Making

Posted by Sam Buckley on Sunday, February 20, 2011,
In preparation for learning how to do tablet weaving Snorri from our group kindly organised the timber and expertise needed to make looms for tablet weaving.  Several of our members made looms and are looking forward our next lesson on how to do tablet weaving.
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